Ethnobotanical Survey Regarding the Management of Liver Disorders by Traditional Healers of Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2012, 1, 2, 24-31.
Published: June 2012
Type: Research Article
Authors: T. Thirunatayanan, and S. Rajkumar
Author(s) affiliations:

T. Thirunatayanan*, S. Rajkumar
Center for Traditional Medicine & Research, Chennai, India.



Background: The present study was based upon the ethnomedico-botanical survey on health practices by the tribal and non tribal vaidyas (healers). Objectives: Present paper reports inventory of health practices on liver disorders used by vaidyas of Vellore district, Tamil Nadu, India. Materials and Methods: A structured interview was conducted for 64 vaidyas covering areas like understanding the disease, perception about cause, symptoms, classification of this disease, diagnostic and prognostic methods used, treatment given, sources of plant materials used, process methods adopted, dosage, dietary practices followed and referral for further treatment. Results: More than 60% of village vaidyas had clear understanding regarding the various aspects of liver diseases. The study identified 47 species of medicinal plants, 30 formulations and various dietary practices used by the vaidyas in the management of liver disorders. Conclusion: This study documents treatment and practices followed by vaidyas. Scentific srudies done using these formulations/practices may help health practioners to practice evidence based medicine.

Keywords: Medicinal Plants, Siddha, Tamil Nadu/ Traditional Healers, Tribals, Vellore District