International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2015, 4, 4, 68-75.
DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.4.4.1
Published: December 2015
Type: Research Article
Authors: Kapilraj P.K
Author(s) affiliations:
Kapilraj P.K*
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, S.K College of Pharmacy and research center, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA.
Background: Increased level of urinary oxalate increases the risk of hyperoxaluria and followed by Nephrolithiasis. Berleria buxifolia having flavonoid and saponins showing more active diuretic and antioxidant property. Objectives: The main objective of the study is to evaluate the reduction of urinary oxalate crystal formation by treating with methanol extraction of the test drug ‘Barleria buxifolia’ on experimentally induced Nephrolithiasis in animal model. Methods: In the present study, methanol extract of the whole plant of Barleria buxifolia was evaluated for its Antiurolithiatic potential in albino rats of Wistar strains (Five groups containing five animals each). Nephrolithiasis was induced by administering 0.75% Ethylene glycol supplemented with 2% Ammonium chloride. Urinary microscopy and histopathology were used as criteria for assessing the preventive or curative effect of the plants. The elevated serum creatinine levels of lithiatic rats were reduced in both groups (prophylactic and curative) by the administration of the extract treatment (once daily for 28 days by p.o route). Result: Assessment of Antiurolithiatic activity was determined by urine and blood analysis; which gave supportive evidence of Antinephrolithiatic activity, (all p values <0.05). Experiment findings also resulted in a reduction in the stones compared to the control group, but neither was significantly reduced. Conclusion: Prophylactic and curative property of Barleria buxifolia against induced Nephrolithiasis showed concurrent reduction in the formation of Lithiasis in animals. So the test drug can be used as a therapeutic agent.
Keywords: Barleria Buxifolia, Calcium Oxalate, Creatinine, Ethylene Glycol, Nephrolithiasis