Literature Review on Siddha Herbal Formulations (Kudineer) Available for The Management of Dengue

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2016, 5, 3, 90-96.
DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.5.3.5
Published: September 2016
Type: Review Article
Authors: Harihara Mahadevan, Vanmathi Palraj
Author(s) affiliations:

Harihara Mahadevan1, Vanmathi Palraj2

1Siddha Physician, Virudunagar, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.

2Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Siddha, Public Health Intervention – Anaemia project (AYUSH), Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.


Dengue is a major threat to public health in many countries. There is no vaccine to prevent the infection. In spite of management of the disease with conventional method of treatment, mortality due to dengue is increasing year by year. In India, the state of Tamil Nadu during the 2012 dengue crisis, initiated a new model by including traditional Siddha medicines along with conventional therapy for the management of dengue in government hospitals. The result of the initiation was a great success, as the Siddha medicines showed remarkable clinical improvement. As there is no effective dengue specific antiviral drug available and the widely used NSAIDs show anti-platelet activity, there is a need for Siddha formulations to be explored scientifically. This review focuses on Siddha kudineer formulations for dengue. Kudineer formulations include only dried and ground herbals. The method of preparation of kudineer is simple and the phyto constituents do not undergo any major change while processing and preparation, unlike other traditional formulations. Ingredients of the formulation and their pharmacological action are discussed in the review. The review may act as a keyhole for dengue drug development.

Keywords: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-pyretic, Anti-viral, Dengue, Herbal medicine, Kudineer, Pitha suram, Siddha Medicine