National Pharmacy Inventory Management System at the Ministry of Health Institutions in Saudi Arabia

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2019, 8, 1, 02-10.
DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.2019.8.2
Published: January 2019
Type: Review Article
Authors: Yousef Ahmed Alomi, Saeed Jamaan Alghamdi, and Radi Abdullah Alattyh
Author(s) affiliations:

Yousef Ahmed Alomi1,*, Saeed Jamaan Alghamdi2, Radi Abdullah Alattyh2

1The Former General Manager of General Administration of Pharmaceutical Care, The Past Head, National Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, The Former Head, Pharmacy R and D Administration, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.
2General Administration of Pharmaceutical Care, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.


The National Pharmacy Inventory Management system is a new initiative program at the Ministry of Health hospital in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The system designed by expert pharmacists and clinical pharmacists from different regions across Saudi Arabia. The system is derived from national and international regulations and guidelines of pharmaceutical societies around the world. The system starts from the procurement phase through storage, dispensing, and storage system at the logistic warehouse of the Ministry of Health. The system guides the end user on how to request medications by group tender or direct purchase, manage medication inventory, and follow up closely on procedures. The system has a vision, mission, and goals. The review discusses the full detailed policy and procedures of the pharmacy inventory system. The topic addresses the risk management of the program and key performance indicators to measure the impact of the program. The new initiative system is the first project at the Ministry of Health hospitals implemented to improve management availability and prevent over or understock of medications, subsequently avoiding additional economic burden on the healthcare system at the Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Keywords: Inventory, Management, Ministry of Health, Pharmacy, Saudi Arabia