National Medication Utilization Evaluation Program in Saudi Arabia

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2019, 8, 3, 156-157.
DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.2019.8.25
Published: September 2019
Type: Review Article
Authors: Yousef Ahmed Alomi and Abeer Hussin Almasoudi

Author(s) affiliations:

Yousef Ahmed Alomi*, The Former General Manager of General Administration of Pharmaceutical Care and Head, National Clinical pharmacy, and Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacy R & D Administration, MOH, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Abeer Hussin Almasoudi, Director, Administration of Research and Studies, Ministry of Health, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.


The national Medication Utilization Evaluation Program at the Ministry of health in Saudi Arabia with complimentary of physician order techniques is new system founded in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The programming part of pharmacy strategic planning and national pharmacy practice at health care services at the Ministry of health. The Medication Utilization Evaluation program started with evidence-based medicine guidelines. The new project of Medication Utilization Evaluation physician order was one the outcome of the program. The program steps development through central committee by Pharmacy department at the most prominent hospital crossover regions in Saudi Arabia. The project is complementary of pharmaceutical concept and alerting system of misuse of medications and subsequences medication-related problems and avoids the unnecessary economic burden on the healthcare system. The new national Medication Utilization Evaluation project is new in Saudi Arabia, Gulf, and Middle East counties.

Keywords: Evaluation, Medication, Ministry of Health, Ministry of health in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Utilization