ENT Medications Therapeutic Interchanges: A Narrative Review

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2020, 9, 4, 128-130.
Published: November 2020
Type: Review Article
Authors: Yousef Ahmed Alomi and Faiz Abdullah Bahadig
Author(s) affiliations:


Yousef Ahmed Alomi*, BSc. Pharm, MSc. Clin Pharm, BCPS, BCNSP, DiBA, CDE, Critical Care Clinical Pharmacists, TPN Clinical Pharmacist, Freelancer Business Planner, Content Editor and Data Analyst, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Faiz Abdullah. Bahadig, R.Ph, Informatics Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Care Department, King Abdul-Aziz Medical, City-WR-Jeddah, Ministry of National Guard, Saudi Arabia.



Objective: To analysis the ENT medications therapeutic interchanges therapy. Methods: It is an extensive search, or fifty databases comprised the following through the Saudi Digital Library (SDL) searching engine. It included the various types of studies (meta-analysis, randomized controlled studies and observational studies) in the English language with human study only for the update May 2017. The search in terms of therapeutic interchange, medication, therapy and type of disease or medication base on therapeutics class of anti-psychiatric. The medication list and switch from one drug to another based on the literature found the search that has included comparative safety, efficacy and cost of the type of medication for each disease and national or international evidence-based guidelines. Results: The total number of studies after an extensive search with a specific term search was 487 studies. Of those, there were 107 duplicated studies, and 380 studies included for future assessment. After assessment, 375 Records were excluded due to non-ENT therapeutics interchange. Of the previous search, there were 5 review studies that had been found discussed the ENT medications therapeutic interchanges. Conclusion: There are no randomized controlled or observational studies about ear, nose, throat therapeutic interchange. The ENT therapeutic guidelines as evidence sources of therapeutic interchange in this subject.
Keywords: Ear, ENT, Literature, Nose, Review, Therapeutic interchanges, Throat