Research Article
Ethnobotanical Survey Regarding the Management of Liver Disorders by Traditional Healers of Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India
T. Thirunatayanan, S. Rajkumar
Int.J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):24-31
Research Article
Hepatoprotective Activity of Plectranthus Amnoinicus Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
Smita Shenoy, Hemanth Kumar, Veena Nayak, Krishnananda Prabhu, Priya Pai, Indu Warrier, Venu Madhav, KL Bairy, Anoop Kishore
Int. J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):32-38
Research Article
Evaluation of Gastroprotective Role of Alpha-tocopherol in Indomethacin Induced Peptic Ulcer in Albino Rats
Shobha V. Huligol, Hemanth Kumar, K. Narendar
Int. J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):39-44
Research Article
Protective Role of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) on Isoproterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction in Rats
M. Murugesan, M. Ragunath, T. Prabu, S. Nadanasabapathi, M. Sakthivel, V. Manju
Int. J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):45-53
Research Article
Nephroprotective Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Roots and Oleanolic Acid Isolated from Roots of Lantana Camara
Narendra Vyas, Ameeta Argal
Int. J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):54-60
Ethnobotanical Survey Regarding the Management of Liver Disorders by Traditional Healers of Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India
T. Thirunatayanan, S. Rajkumar
Int.J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):24-31
Hepatoprotective Activity of Plectranthus Amnoinicus Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
Smita Shenoy, Hemanth Kumar, Veena Nayak, Krishnananda Prabhu, Priya Pai, Indu Warrier, Venu Madhav, KL Bairy, Anoop Kishore
Int. J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):32-38
Evaluation of Gastroprotective Role of Alpha-tocopherol in Indomethacin Induced Peptic Ulcer in Albino Rats
Shobha V. Huligol, Hemanth Kumar, K. Narendar
Int. J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):39-44
Protective Role of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) on Isoproterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction in Rats
M. Murugesan, M. Ragunath, T. Prabu, S. Nadanasabapathi, M. Sakthivel, V. Manju
Int. J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):45-53
Nephroprotective Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Roots and Oleanolic Acid Isolated from Roots of Lantana Camara
Narendra Vyas, Ameeta Argal
Int. J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):54-60
Research Article
Undergraduate Medical Student’s Perceptions Regarding Personal Drug Selection Exercise
Lalit Mohan, Bharti Chogtu, Shalini Adiga, K.L Bairy, Anoop Kishore
Int.J Pharm. Health Sci.,1(2):61-67